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The Renaissance

The Renaissance – a new life for your treasure

We are calling our recycling concept The Renaissance as it is not only a beautiful word, but it means beautiful things: rebirth & revival.

We want to be involved in the whole life-cycle of our product, so are keen to make sure that once an item has reached the end of its life with one owner, it can move onto the next or be responsibly recycled into something else. This is done by offering you a gift card for your newly unwanted garment, and finding the best way forward for it.

We have set the process up as follows:

    1. Products costing 326€ and more
      • In great, good-as-new condition, no fixes needed —  50€ gift card
      • In used condition, possibly showing a little wear and tear that can be fixed — €40 gift card
      • In heavily used condition, stained, not able to be sold as a garment — -20% discount code


    2. Products costing 220€ – 325€
        • In great, good-as-new condition, no fixes needed —  40€ gift card
        • In used condition, possibly showing a little wear and tear that can be fixed — €30 gift card
        • In heavily used condition, stained, not able to be sold as a garment — -20% discount code


    3. Products costing 150€ – 219€
      • In great, good-as-new condition, no fixes needed —  30€ gift card
      • In used condition, possibly showing a little wear and tear that can be fixed — €20 gift card
      • In heavily used condition, stained, not able to be sold as a garment — -20% discount code


Once you have decided to pass your garment on, or you want to recycle a product not listed above, contact us by e-mail with details of the garment, and we’ll advise you further. We’ll assess the condition of the garment and will then inform you on which gift card you’ll receive.

The Renaissance line will be sold on its own page here in our webshop.

Please return any items clean.