Welcome! Simply divine to have you here!


Traceable and certain

We have chosen to only work with partners and materials that can withstand the light of day. We have no ‘trade secrets’, and you are always welcome to contact us if you feel there is something that is not clear enough. We will endeavour to always better the information provided to satisfy even the most demanding customer. Read more about our partners here, and our materials here.


Cost breakdown

The final price tag on the garment the customer sees is a sum of many things. Here we are using our Perfect Decadence evening coat as an example on how we have come to the price on the tag:

Firstly we have to account for materials and production, the two greatest single costs in the process. For this coat we have chosen a luxurious Cupro produced in Italy, which has also been printed on both sides to ensure it always looks immaculate. The garments are sewn in a small, long-established factory in Tallinn, Estonia and then sent over to us in Helsinki by a courier. We fold and tag the products ourselves.

After those costs there are a whole host of other things to take into account: everything from initial prototypes created by our Helsinki-based seamstress to printer ink to salaries have to be able to be paid from our share of the profit. If the product is sold on our own website, and not through a retailer, this share is higher and helps us cover all the initial outlay. If the product is sold by a retailer, our share is considerably smaller, but then of course for example promotional activities are undertaken by them, so our costs reduce. Different retailers have different margins, so depending on whether the product is sold in a web store or on the high street, the numbers change.

Additional things like labels, tags, stickers, postage bags etc. are ordered in larger batches, and the costs are divided across all products.

And then of course there is tax: VAT in Finland is 24%.